Getting The Most Out Of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Many entrepreneurs find themselves overwhelmed with the sheer volume of tasks that come with running a business, particularly in the early stages. The administrative duties, often unexpected and time-consuming, can impede company growth and lead to burnout. This is where the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant come into play. A virtual assistant can handle a wide range of tasks remotely, offering flexibility and efficiency without the commitments associated with a full-time employee. You’ll only pay for the hours worked, and you can outsource tasks that don’t contribute directly to growth, thereby lightening your workload and tapping into a global talent pool.

How to Get the Most Out of a Virtual Assistant

Determining Your Needs

The first step in the process involves a critical assessment of your daily tasks to identify those that can be effectively handled by someone else. Begin by listing everything you do on a daily basis, and then highlight the tasks that are necessary but don’t necessarily need your personal touch. These might include administrative duties, repetitive tasks, or even areas where you lack expertise. By outsourcing these tasks, you’re not just freeing up your time; you’re also potentially improving the quality of those tasks by hiring someone with specialized skills.

For instance, if social media marketing isn’t your forte, a virtual assistant can not only take over the responsibility but potentially do it better. This process helps in creating a clear job description for your virtual assistant and ensures you’re looking for candidates with the right skill set.

Complementing Your Skill Set

After identifying the tasks to outsource, it’s important to look for a virtual assistant whose strengths align with your weaknesses. This synergy allows you to focus on areas where you excel while ensuring other critical areas of your business are managed effectively. For example, if you’re great at the big-picture strategic planning but struggle with the details of day-to-day operations, look for a virtual assistant who is detail-oriented and excels in operational management.

Furthermore, embracing the 80/20 rule — focusing on the 20% of your tasks that generate 80% of your results — can significantly boost your productivity and business growth. Your virtual assistant can handle the remaining 80% of tasks, ensuring that your business operations run smoothly while you concentrate on core growth activities.



Setting Up Workflows

Effective communication and workflow setup are critical when working with a virtual assistant. Considering the remote nature of their work, establish clear communication channels and preferences from the outset. Discuss and agree on regular check-ins, updates, and reports that suit both your schedules.

Additionally, it’s crucial to set expectations regarding availability, especially if working across different time zones. Decide on a mutually agreeable schedule that allows for real-time communication when necessary, while also providing flexibility for asynchronous work. Implementing project management tools and platforms can facilitate smoother task management and accountability.

Providing Clear Instructions

In the initial stages of your working relationship, take the time to provide detailed instructions and context for each task. This ensures your virtual assistant has a thorough understanding of what’s expected, leading to better outcomes from the start. As your virtual assistant becomes more familiar with your business and expectations, you can transition to more concise instructions.

Encourage questions and open dialogue to clarify any uncertainties. This not only helps in getting the tasks done correctly but also aids in building a strong, collaborative working relationship.

At Smiles On Demand we make this easier than ever with our free two week onboarding process.

Allowing for Adjustment

Patience is key during the early stages of working with a new virtual assistant. There will be a learning curve as they familiarize themselves with your business processes and expectations. Recognize that efficiency and productivity will improve over time, and initial slowness or mistakes are part of the learning process.

Constructive feedback during this period is invaluable, helping your virtual assistant to learn and adjust more quickly. This investment in time and training will pay off in the form of a more capable and effective assistant.

Reviewing Work

Regularly reviewing your virtual assistant’s work is essential, particularly in the beginning. This not only ensures that tasks are completed to your standards but also provides opportunities for feedback and improvement. Schedule regular review sessions and use them as a chance to discuss work completed, provide constructive criticism, and praise good performance.

Over time, as trust and familiarity grow, you may find that less frequent reviews are necessary. However, maintaining open lines of communication for feedback and discussion will continue to be important for a successful partnership.

By carefully selecting and managing a virtual assistant, you can significantly reduce your workload, allowing you to focus on strategic growth. While it requires an initial investment of time and effort, the long-term benefits include increased efficiency and the ability to leverage a broader range of skills and talents. By hiring a business process outsourcing company that specializes in virtual assistants, you can help mitigate the cost of operating your business.